Thursday, March 26, 2009

"The bluebird carries the sky on his back."

There is nothing like the blue of an Eastern Bluebird filling your camera lens! So vibrant and happy! When I arrived at the rookery today, the rain had just stopped and the sun was starting to peak out. The ground was making a squishy, settling sound that was quite nice, and as I listened and looked up into the sycamore trees to see what the herons were doing, I saw movement in a tree about 20 feet from me...and then that wonderful flash of blue that is always such a surprise! I quickly focused in a found this little male perched nicely for me. I had to step into a few sprigs of multi-flora rose for a better angle. If I moved even slightly to the left or right the autofocus would zoom in on a small branch and Little Blue would go out of focus, so I had stay put, which was pretty easy to do considering I was anchored in place by the thorns! Small price to pay for the Bluebird of Happiness...

So beautiful. This Eastern Bluebird sat and posed for me for a long time.

Every now and then, he would drop down to the
ground to grab an insect then fly back up to his perch.

When a bluebird turns his back on you, it's quite all
right! Henry David Thoreau's quote, "The bluebird
carries the sky on his back," fits this photo so well...

I finally noticed his mate sitting about 10 feet behind him on the lower branches of a Sycamore tree. She was not nearly as vibrant, but lovely just the same.

His mate was preening and still appears to
be a bit wet from the earlier rain shower.

Bye Mrs. Blue. I hope to see you at the rookery again!


  1. Lovely little bird, that sky blue is really vivid.


  2. What fabulous photos of the bluebird! I love these little birds!

  3. This is a lovely bird Kelly. I would like to see one like that!! The weather is getting cold here but BLUE SKY!!! Have a nice week end.

  4. Wonderful shots Kelly! I have not looked to see if my female has her eggs in the nest yet. She's not incubating just yet, but her eggs may be all ready. I just love the bluebirds so much. :c)

  5. When my husband and I were on vacation in TN last year, we went to have breakfast at a restaurant situated in an apple orchard, and these bluebirds would come and perch on the window sill while we were eating! They were gorgeous! I got a couple of shots, but nothing like yours.

    Thanks for reminding me of those special moments - a great way to begin my day!

  6. That is a beautiful bird Kelly. The blue is almost unbelievable.

  7. I love that quote and thoreau is one of my favorites! That male bluebird posed so nicely and shone so beautifully!

  8. I have yet to see one of these, although I know they live around here. And btw, I heard a White-Throated Sparrow again yesterday, but it was hiding in the underbrush.

  9. Oh, Kelly - you got some great shots of that flashy Bluebird. We get only Mountain Bluebirds over here. I've gotten a few photos of them. They're wonderful aren't they? And thanks for stopping by my blog.

  10. Perfect! That is so beautiful and the quote is certainly very true. Their color is so wonderful. I'm going to have to put up a bluebird house somewhere.

  11. What a sweet little bird. I've never seen one of these on the West coast. Beautiful blog!

  12. I love watching the blue birds. We get the mountain blue birds here. They hover in the air and then dive for the insect of choice. Mesmerizing to watch.

  13. Asolutely stunning bird! Thanks for putting him on your blog for us.

  14. What a really beautiful little bird Kelly. Such vivid colours particularly the male as you said.

  15. Thanks, Paul!

    Thanks, Kallen...this is the first I've seen in the wild in our area in a long time (like 10 years!!).

    Thanks, Chris...thank goodness for the blue sky. I don't even know what our weather is supposed to be this weekend. I've given up following it.

    Jayne...Thanks! You're so lucky you have nesting bluebirds. I can't wait to see all of your photos as the eggs hatch!! That was lucky. I've never seen them up close. Always from a distance... Sounds like your vacation was very nice.

    Roy...When you see it in the wild, it stops you in your tracks. You just have to stand there and stare he's so beautiful. His feathers are reflective, so if he's in the shade or the sun's not out, he won't be nearly as sky blue.

    Shelley...Thoreau is definitely one of my favorite nature writers. I like the sparrow quote of his on your site! It's one of my favorite of his...

    Roy2...:-) I'm glad you're hearing them. At least I know they still exist!!! When you see a bluebird in the wild, it sort of takes your breath away. They are that beautiful.

    Montanagirl...Welcome to the site and thanks for dropping by! I'd like to see mountain bluebird. They look pretty special in the guides. My parents got a photo of one on a vacation last year, but as yet, I've not seen one. I need to head out west!!

    Mary...this little fellow was about 2 miles from my house in woods at the edge of a grazing field. I think I'm going to put up a bluebird box too...just in case, but I bet my yard is too suburban. Good luck with yours!!

    Nancy...thank you for dropping by and thank you! I really like your garden blog. I'm an organic gardener too!

    Cicero...I've yet to see the Western, but I know I will one of these days! The Easterns do a bit of that bug diving too!

    Thanks, Warren. When I saw him in the tree and was able to focus on him, i was so happy. I hope I see him again so I can post more pics.

    Shy...thank you! There is nothing like the sky blue of the Eastern Bluebird, and to top it off, he is a very sweet bird also.

    Steve....thanks!! :-D

  16. Wonderful photos Kelly!! The blue just POPS out from the photos! I thoroughly enjoy watching bluebirds. I have a nearby pair that recently began checking out one of my nest boxes. They'll probably be nesting soon.

  17. Thanks Alan! I hope they do nest in your yard. I'd love to see the photos. Jayne has a nest box that is active too. You are both lucky!

  18. What a lovely looking bird, very pretty.

  19. Lovely bird Kelly. We get the Mountain Bluebird here which differs in colour and lacks the orange.

  20. Love that bright blue on the male. It's so spectacular. We're waiting to see if any will decide to use our nest boxes this year.
    I notice an Eastern Wood Pewee has been added to your big list - awesome! Haven't heard one in my woods yet. I don't know who I love to hear call more, the Pewee or the Phoebe.

  21. Thanks, Phil and Mandy!

    Thanks, Nick. I've not yet seen a Mountain Bluebird in person. They look cute in photos, though!

    Hi Heather...I hope you do get the bluebirds to nest!! Seeing the babies would be crazy fun. Yes...I heard the Pewees the other day at the rookery. I love their call too.....both the pewee and phoebe say their name, and I'm the same as you. I can't make up my mind which I like more also!!!


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