Friday, January 23, 2009

Blue Figures out the new Peanut Feeder

A couple of weeks ago, I was in my favorite bird store, Mary and Patrick's Wild Bird Center of Mason, when I saw a new peanut feeder. I bought some peanuts in the shell and brought the feeder home, and for 2 weeks it hung there with nothing even giving it the eye, but on Monday, while it was snowing, Blue suddenly figured it out and started nabbing the nuts. Later in the day, I saw a Tufted Titmouse stop by, but he didn’t take a peanut. He just looked at it. The Blue Jays (five in all) would take turns flying in, grabbing a peanut, and then flying out. It was fun to watch.

Blue finally lands on the feeder and takes a look.

He sees it's filled with peanuts in the shell and grabs one.

...but there is no sticking around. 
As soon as he has the peanut, it's lift off!

Throughout the week, the Blue Jays and the squirrels were the biggest customers and were really fun to watch. But...the Tufted Titmouse is hanging around more and more and loves the peanuts! Even a Carolina Wren dropped in for a visit, but he didn't take a nut. The feeder is a really fun addition to the backyard, and we love it. I can't wait until the Red-bellied Woodpeckers start coming to it. 

...let's hope Red figures it out too!


  1. Hooray, they figured it out! Interestingly, activity at our peanut feeder has dropped off this week, I'm assuming because the weather has gotten warmer. I'll be interested to see if things pick back up again this weekend as we dip back down into the 20's!

  2. I was so happy when I saw that first blue jay swoop in for a peanut. It will be interesting to see what happens this weekend!

  3. I am just in awe of your bird photographs (as well as the flowers, mushrooms, alpacas, on and on...)! I hope to live to be well over 150 years old, so I can paint many of them- LOL! You are so blessed to be able to do this, and I, and so many others are so blessed that your share your work and AMAZING experiences! Thank you a million for your post, your information, your humor, your sharing heart,your beautiful art, your lovely sketches and the beauty of who you are!!!


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