Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Barred Owl along the Little Miami River

It's been so long since I've been able to get out in the woods and look for sweet, sweet, little birdies, so when the sun came out and the temp climbed up, I grabbed my camera and headed for the river. I saw Black-throated Blues, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Wood Thrushes, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Scarlett Tanagers, Red-eyed Vireos, Chestnut-sided Warblers, woodpeckers, and all the other usual suspects...and then I saw this fellow perched high in the branches staring at me......sweet!

A Barred Owl perched in a tree along the Little Miami River.
What a surprise to look up and see this fine face looking back at me!


  1. What a wonderful surprise! They are so beautiful. I love how he has his head twisted around to look at you.

  2. Cool! I always like little surprises like that.

    We've missed you! Come by my blog when you get a chance; I have some Tree Swallows to look at.

  3. Oh, he's a beauty! Glad you got outside for a nice walk. :)

  4. That is a cracking photo of the Owl, sounds like you had a good outing, excelent.
    Take care Gordon.

  5. Such a wonderful photo of the owl gazing at you!
    It is always good to take a walk in the woods.

  6. What a great picture! He's checking you out while you're checking him out.

  7. I love that picture, Kelly! Wouldn't you like to know what thoughts are going through his beautiful little head?

  8. What an amazing photo! Owls are so beautiful.

  9. @ Janice - Hi Janice! I know...that was so cool. Eventually, he turned his head back around, and I slunk away. It was so strange to look up and see him there watching me.

    @ Roy - Thanks, Roy. Summer is here, so I'm going to get out there with my camera.

    @ Kim - Thanks, Kim! Thank goodness I was able to get out. It wasn't a very long walk, but owl!

    @ Gordon - Thank you, Gordon! I had a great walk...I hope to get back out later this week.

    @ Tammie Lee - Thanks, Tammie! He was so cool. I've seen him from a distance before, but I've never seen him right on the trail. Fingers crossed he visits again!

    @ Sarah - I true. He saw me long before I saw him (and I'm not that noisy on the trail!).

    @ Mary Ann - Thanks, Mary Ann! Yes, I would....or maybe I wouldn't. He doesn't seem to impressed with me! Haha!

    @ Lynn - Thank you, Lynn! They are!!! So quiet and mysterious too.


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