Sunday, April 14, 2013

An American Bald Eagle on a nest along the Little Miami River...

Last October, Matty and I spent some time up at the Spring Valley Wildlife Area photographing what we thought might be an eagle's nest (click here for that post). Today Rick and I drove up to see if it was...and it was!

An American Bald Eagle sits on a nest along the Little Miami River at the Spring Valley Wildlife Area
Okay...squint, step back and look carefully. Yes, it's there...a white head and a dark body. Finally, I've seen an American Bald Eagle on the Little Miami River. The quality of the photo is poor, but I was over 500 yards away shooting from the bike trail, and then I cropped the image to an inch of its life to try to make out the eagle. 

A huge eagle's nest fills a sycamore along the Little Miami River near the Spring Valley Wildlife Area. This is the view from the bike trail...
View of the eagle's nest from the bike trail. The nest is bigger now than it was this October, and there's no mistaking an eagle is in residence. When you look through binocs or the spotting scope, you can clearly see the bird, but through a 400mm lens, the eagle is nothing more than a bump on a blob!

This huge sycamore hugs the Little Miami River. Canoeists floating down the river are in for a treat if they look up! From the bike trail, it's a different story. However, just hang out at Spring Valley for a while, and you'll see the adults flying overhead or even grabbing a fish from the water. Rick and I spoke with a fisherman at the lake, and he said he's seen an eagle several times swooping down to catch a fish. What a sight!


  1. What a find! I always enjoy seeing Eagles.

  2. Great!! That has to be exciting.

  3. Neat, Kelly... I would love to see an Eagle... I see them on the web-cams and love watching them... Glad you saw one --even if it is FAR away.


  4. Finding an eagle's nest is very exciting! It's hard to imagine just how big they are until you see one in person. Maybe you'll get a closer look from a canoe this summer, and maybe even see some of the babies. I imagine you'll be making several more trips to check out the action.

  5. I'll definitely have to get down to Spring Valley—not only for the eagle and nest, but also just to spend some time on the boardwalk before hiking around the lake. Probably next week, looking at the weather ahead. Spring Valley's a great place for birds, amphibians, and wildflowers.

    BTW, I don't think the nest upriver from me is in use this year—though I've seen an eagle along my cottage stretch of the stream several times over the last month or so. There's also a nest near Eastwood Lake, and I hear rumors of one west of Trotwood. I think it's absolutely wonderful they're suddenly starting to reappear in this corner of the state.

  6. I'm glad your hunch proved to be correct. (-: Are you tempted to take a canoe ride down the river with camera in hand??? Could be dodgy! (-:

  7. Great photos and beautiful birds. Thanks dear Kelly. Well done!

  8. Mona...I do too. They are just now starting to pop up around here in multiple locations. Yeah! was! :-)


    Elaine...we'll definitely be back. I'd love to be there when one of the parents is hunting over the water and grabs a fish!!

    Grizz...I saw a lot of wildflowers and the warblers are starting to come in. Saw many Blue-gray Gnatcatchers. I heard the nest at Morrow was abandoned too. Maybe they moved up the river to Spring Valley.

    Jenny...Yes, I am. A Canoe company is a little upriver, so I guess the birds are used to it. I hope we can return soon!

    Ena...thank you!! You're always so sweet. Hugs...

  9. nice! we have a golden eagle pair returned for the 3rd year in a row, on a nest in a cottonwood tree down the creek. they fledged 1 young last 2 years. the egg/s should be hatching about now!
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  10. Several years ago, we had an eagles' nest on the Miami River in Miamiville (just outside of Cincinnati). I happened to be going to Terrace Park and noticed a couple of cars pulled over looking at a tree. I slowed and realized it was a bald eagle and her nest. I grabbed my kids and when we pulled up ( a distance away), one of the pair flew up into the nest. AMAZING! They were only there one Spring but I keep hoping they'll come back.

  11. I was driving home from Lebanon, OH going south on Route 48 just a few days ago and a bald eagle crossed my path and flew right over the Little Miami bridge I was going over. It was an amazing site! It was so obviously a bald eagle-I got a really good look at the head and the dark wing span was huge! I just googled bald eagles on the little Miami to see if anyone had any info-thanks for sharing the nest!

  12. Hi Sonya! Yay!! I'm glad you reported that sighting. My husband and I have seen one close to the old powder factory recently. Maybe it was the same bird...maybe he/she was searching for a nesting site!


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