Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ol' Blue is at it again...

While Red sits in the snow eating sunflower seeds, Ol' Blue continues to work hard to get me to change the name of the blog. "Blue and the Peanut is much more appropriate," says he…over and over…

Blue Jay pulling peanuts out of the peanut feeder.
"Blue and the Peanut!"

Blue Jay pulling peanuts out of the peanut feeder.
"Blue and the Peanut!"

Northern Cardinal eating sunflower seeds...and keeping an eye on me on the other side of the window!
"...mmmmmm, sunflower seeds!"

Northern Cardinal eating sunflower seeds...and keeping an eye on me on the other side of the window!
"...mmmmmm, sunflower seeds!"

Northern Cardinal eating sunflower seeds...and keeping an eye on me on the other side of the window!
"...mmmmmm, sunflower seeds!"
I'm starting to think he might be right...


  1. Two very beautiful birds Kelly.

    Maybe they could share the honours lol

  2. Cool! I like how that blue jay just gulps down that whole peanut.
    : )

  3. oh, that's too cute. thanks for the laugh, kelly!

  4. How gorgeous, nestled in the snow gorging on sunflower seeds.
    Funny, at first seeing the greedy blue jay, I had the same thought as you wrote.

    Have a wonderful New Year.

  5. I have to side with Red, but that's because Blue has a family tree in CO and Red doesn't! Have to side with the Underbird!

  6. HaHa....LOVE it. I like the Blue AND the Red! Lovely photos, Kelly.

  7. Hi Kelly ...The Blue Jay, and a Cardinal to gorgeous birds I love except when the Jay gets greedy ; )
    Nice shots especially in snow !!

  8. Beautiful photos. How do you manage to take them without scaring away the birds? Even with a telephoto lens, I find it difficult to sneak up on them.

  9. The second from last Cardinal shot is really great Kelly.

  10. Happy new year Kelly. The cardinal pictures are fantastic, in the snow it gives a beautiful contrast to this red and nice composition.

  11. Blue jays can be so bossy and greedy, but are always interesting to watch. They have lots of personality.

  12. Love your birdie pictures. The Cardinal's colors really stand out in the snow...

    I had a Pileated Woodpecker at my feeder this morning... Gorgeous bird.

    Have a great weekend.

  13. Gorgeous pictures, I don't get either of those birds here, so both are a real treat!

  14. Nahhh, don't go there. Besides, what are you going to do when a goldfinch appears…call it "Yellow and the Peanut?" Dance with who brung ya'. Keep "Red." :-)

  15. ...thanks, everyone!!

    Nope....Ol' Blue can try and try, but Red will always get the ink. After all, the blog is named after Aunt Mary's "Red" not mine. Poor old Blue........


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