Saturday, October 13, 2012

Images of autumn...

...colors are richer, shadows are deeper, and the warm oranges and reds of the season ignite anticipation of the ancient celebration of harvest and plenty...

An orangish-red maple leaf shines brightly on the forest floor after a soft autumn shower (from Spring Valley Wildlife Area in Waynesville, Oh). rosehips that border the marsh at Spring Valley Wildlife Area.

...raindorps bead up on an autumn leaf, which is just starting to turn yellow, along the Little Miami Trail at Spring Valley.

A bright read rose hip stands out against the marsh at Spring Valley Wildlife Area.

...small white asters at the peak of their blooming season, glow in the evening shadows along the wet edges of the Little Miami Trail.

Red, orange and yellow leaves stand out brightly against the deep colors and shadows of the forest floor.

...bright green pokeberry leaves and ultra purple stems offer interest in the autumn landscape. The strings of berries have already been pick clean, possibly by cedar waxwings, catbirds or robins.

...bright yellow kernels of corn peak from the dried husk of a stalk of feed corn. This corn was in the filed in front of the eagle's nest on the Little Miami river.

Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica) grows at the forest edges along the Little Miami river.

These photos are all from the walk Matty and I took along the Little Miami River at Spring Valley Wildlife Area (from the previous post).


  1. Your experiment worked quite well, indeed. Lovely images of Fall. :)

  2. Great macros, Kelly! I'm going to be doing some leaf hunting myself this week.

  3. all gorgeous. i especially like those red berries with tiny little 'things' sticking out from them. and red maples... ah...

  4. What great photos from Natures FINEST season! Beautiful!

  5. Beautiful images and congrats on the success with the iPad. It can be done through Google docs (I think the name has recently changed) easier than through the through the apps out there.

  6. What a beautiful selection of photos! So much rich color and nice lighting. I don't have an iPad yet, but I'm thinking about it.

  7. Rich colors. Damp. Your walk through autumn puts me in the mood to say good by to summer.

  8. Gorgeous! There is something so wistful about these charming Autumnal shots. Thanks for sharing them!

  9. such lovely autumn photographs
    thank you for sharing your walk with us.

    your last post made me miss my son, time to get off the computer and call him.

  10. The light in those photos is nicely autumnal as well as the plants themselves. Very nice.

  11. Beautiful colours, wonderful pictures.

  12. The experiment is very conclusive Kelly ;-) The colors are wonderful as you said, and your pictures too! You did a great job...

  13. ...thanks everyone! Yes, it's nice to know I can post from my iPad. I did this when we were at the lodge at Greenbo for our family autumn adventure. I didn't want to bring my portable computer, and thought I'd give the iPad a try.

    ...that aside, all the color of autumn shows so well on a rainy day. Matty and I didn't mind the tiny showers as we walked the Little Miami looking for the eagle's nest. The dark skies and overcast light only enhanced the deep colors of autumn.

  14. Autumn is a beautiful time of year - just a shame we don't have as much daylight here to enjoy it - your photos are wonderful as is your blog - so much interesting information - thank you!


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