Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Cornish Rex cat. He looks scary, but he is so sweet!
Halloween cat...

This Jack-O-Lantern is on our front porch. We had fun carving him out, and went for a classic pumpkin face!
Halloween pumpkin...

I created this electroBird in PhotoShop using Glowing Edges. It creates a cool neon-like image.
Halloween vulture...

Happy Halloween

Have fun and don't eat too much candy!


  1. Heh, heh! Love the vulture treatment! My annual Samhain post will be up later today.

  2. Thanks Kelly

    Boo!!! to you too!!


  3. Great pics for the day, love the black cat!

  4. That cat is really spooky. Nice photos all and appropriate too.

  5. How fun! Happy Halloween to you, too!

  6. ...thank you, everyone! Hope your Halloween was fun. Ours was rainy and cold, but it did not dampen the kids' spirits. We even had to "Christmas Carolers" show up singing carols for their candy. It was fun.

  7. LOVE these Kelly! You are so clever.

  8. answer some questions I've gotten:

    - Yes, the cat is my cat, Bip. He's a Cornish Rex cat and is super sweet. He fetches like a dog and likes to be "worn" around your neck or carried around.

    - to create the neon turkey vulture, I ran one of my photos through the Glowing Edges filter in PhotoShop...very simple.

    - and the pumpkin is one I carved last year and photographed on the front porch--no effects--just a candle inside and night time outside!

  9. love your photos
    that cat is beautiful
    and i read in your comments that Bip is indeed yours. I use to have a cat that would fetch, so fun!


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