Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cute, sweet, fuzzy bunny in the wet grass at Magee Marsh.....

After waiting out a passing thunderstorm, I climbed out of my car and walked up towards the boardwalk at Magee Marsh. Avoiding the parking pavement, I stuck to the grass at the forest's edge because I could hear a noisy Ovenbird calling out "teacher, teacher, teacher!" over and over. I was hoping to catch sight of him, which I did, but while I was watching him, I noticed movement in the grass about five feet from where I was standing. On my second glance, the cutest of the cute, cute, cutes came out to munch on the rain-soaked grass...

...when this young rabbit came out of the woods to nibble on the wet grass I froze. He was adorable, so I hunkered down in the grass and hoped he wouldn't hop away! He didn't. He watched me for a bit and then started nibbling again...

...stop with the head tilt, bunny. It's unfair use of the cuteness factor!
(This is my favorite bunny photo in the series.)

:-) ...that little nose makes me smile!

These photos are all from the week I spent this May at Magee Marsh in Toledo, Ohio during spring migration for the Biggest Week in American Birding festival. Click here for all the Magee Marsh Biggest Week posts.

(...also... Magee Marsh is one of the sites on the Nature Conservancy's Natural Treasures of Ohio sweepstakes (May 22 - August 8). Click here for details.)


  1. the head-on shots are just Adorable!!! so darn cute!

  2. Kelly, talk about being in the right place at the right time! It is so adorable! I love the little white spot int he middle of the forehead! I can't help but wonder...will this be a painting one day?

  3. Cuteness Overload!!
    How can something SO CUTE be so destructive in the garden???

  4. Heh, heh! I see so many rabbits in the course of the day that I never think to photograph them; they're a ubiquitous part of the scenery everywhere I've lived. Now if I could get close enough to a Chipmunk and make him sit still for a while...

  5. He just couldn't be any cuter! Great shots, Tex.

  6. Bunnies are the one animal that does not loose it's "baby cute". Terrific photos Kelly.

  7. What a little sweetheart! So darling. :)

    Happy Sunday,

  8. Adorable!!! My youngest son used to raise miniature rabbits. They were so much fun. For some reason we don't see rabbits in our woods anymore.

  9. How adorable! I love the little snip of white on his/her forehead.

  10. Aww!! I love the little white patch on his forehead <3

  11. Hi Kelly

    Very nice I am always a sucker for rabbits which is why I post so many jackrabbits, that and the fact they are everywhere here.


  12. Definitely a 10 on the cute scale. I especially loved the reflections you caught in the bunny's eyes.

  13. what great photography, I love to see the details in the fur and feathers.

  14. That is one cute bunny! You must keep a secret animal charm in your pocket that mesmerizes them. They always seem to run from me.

  15. ...thanks, everyone! What a wonderful encounter this was. I sat in the grass and moved slowly. I couldn't believe his proximity. He actually came closer to me while he was eating. I made little crooning sounds every now and then that he seemed to like.


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