Saturday, June 16, 2012

Butter Butts...

This female Yellow-rumped Warbler was flitting through the branches at the edge of the woods. She was low in the trees and very busy looking for insects. Suddenly she stopped and stared up at something. She looked backed and forth, eyeing it from different directions, sitting still...and giving me a great shot of her namesake...

Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroica coronata), aka Butter Butt...
It's easy to see how this warbler got its nickname! 

The yellow feathers on top of her head account for the scientific name of "coronata," which is from the Latin "corona," which means "crown."
Yellow-rumped Warblers have a beautiful broken white eye ring... 

...but it's that lovely little pat of butter that makes it easy to identify this beauty!

Yellow-rumps do not nest in our area, but they are plentiful and common during migration, and you can find them here in the winter. I've seen them every now and then along the Little Miami and at Winton Woods too.

...and their bellies are pretty too! 

These photos are all from the week I spent this May at Magee Marsh in Toledo, Ohio for the Biggest Week in American Birding festival.

Click here for another post on the sweet Butter Butt.

Note: Magee Marsh is one of the sites on the Nature Conservancy's Natural Treasures of Ohio.


  1. Hi Kelly, I had the yellow-rumped warbler once at my feeders --in winter. It was easy spotting that yellow rump!!!!!!

    Great photos. Hope you are having a good summer so far!

  2. they are beautiful little things!

  3. What a startling little rump she has! Gleaming lemon yellow to contrast with her browny uppers. Great shots all around.

  4. I love it when birds have helpful names to ID them lol

  5. Great shots! I haven't seen any around here, but used to see them frequently back in Newport.

  6. What a pretty little bird! I should think there is no mistaking it.

  7. That does indeed look like a pad of butter....So pretty.

  8. Wonderful photos. Cute little butter buts.

  9. Hi Kelly

    Nice shots of the warbler.


  10. With that headline, I just had to read your post! What a cute, buttery little bird!

  11. Another of your winter birds that nests here! They are such a sweet little bird.

  12. These great shots show me why it took me awhile to i.d. these critters. It's possible, I think, to see NONE of the yellow--and certainly not on the bottom side of the rump. They were up here about a month ago--not sure about now, and at 95 degrees I'm not gonna go looking.

    This is my intro to "butter butt" as a nickname. That might have helped with i.d. too.

  13. ...thank you!! I love when I see that little patch of yellow. I remember the first time I heard someone call a Yellow-rumped Warbler a "Butter Butt." I laughed out loud....thinking, I guess it makes sense. That little patch of yellow really does look like a pat of butter! :-)

  14. Cute! Sure can see why they call them butter butts!

  15. Fantastic photos and what a sweet subject!


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