Monday, February 20, 2012

Hiking the Little Miami River for LMI's first GBBC...

Early Sunday morning I headed over to the Little Miami River at the abandoned Peter's Cartridge Factory for a bird walk. Penny Jarret, who works for Little Miami, Inc. (LMI), contacted me last week to see if I wanted to help bird the powder factory stretch of the Little Miami River for Cornell's Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC--click here to learn more about the 4-day birding weekend). Penny found my blog through a Google search and after reading a few posts learned how much I love birding the Little Miami River. I didn't even know Little Miami, Inc. existed, so I was really happy she contacted me. Penny explained LMI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the Little Miami River (click here for a link to their web site.) Since 1967, LMI has created over 50 nature preserves along the Little Miami River and its tributaries. Penny is trying to bring more awareness to Little Miami, Inc., and thought a GBBC event could be her first step...

Painting 215. Chickadee Singing Sweetly Along the Little Miami River
(Oil Pastel)
We saw 19 Carolina Chickadees during our walk--our most numerous bird, so I decided to commemorate the day with a chickadee painting. Although it wasn't snowing, it was cold!

For the walk, I contacted a few birdy friends, Paul (local herp expert) and Mike (Everybody Funny blog), and Penny brought a few friends too, Steve and Bill...

Paul, Bill, Penny, Mike, and Steve all stand on the banks of the Little Miami River for the first ever LMI GBBC outing! I really enjoyed myself and was so happy to meet more birding friends (and Little Miami River lovers)!

A little more about Little Miami, Inc...and a video!
LMI has been actively protecting the Little Miami Wild and Scenic River since 1967! About 30% of the river and the riverfront forests have been permanently protected through ownership or conservation easements. Click here for a video LMI created called "Greenway! A River Discovery Complete" showcasing the river--beautiful aerial video of the river's path, interesting narration, and closeups of the river and surrounding river valley. LMI has all sorts of volunteer opportunities, so if you're interesting in helping, send them an email. You can find contact information on their web site.


  1. Hi Kelly

    I really like the Chickadee.


  2. they've found a great supporter in you. :)

    (kelly, would you consider removing word verification? it is really terrible to use, now! thank you!) :)

  3. I like your painting! Looks like you had a good day and found a wonderful organization to work with.

  4. LOVE your sweet little Chickadee! So glad you found a great bunch of people to bird with, and sounds like a great organization.

  5. Neat web site, Kelly... I know you are thrilled to have found it and gotten to meet some new birding friends....

    Please please please take out the Word Verification. I cannot read that junk now. Thanks so much.

  6. Love the sense of movement in the painting of the snow-ish like background! Sounds like a cold, but fun day for you at the Little Miami.

  7. What a find and what a fun place to bird! Looks like you have a fine group of friends, both old and new! I hope your bird count went well! Love your painting of the chickadee. It has a lot of movement in it, which is kind of like the bird!

  8. Kelly, a very nice looking Chickadee. Sounds like a great day too.
    I agree with T about the word verification being a real pain, would you consider removing it?

  9. Kelly,

    Sounds like you all had fun! Everyone looks freezing in that photo. Not even have had to bundle up that much here in NC so far.

    The word verification is awful..

  10. ....three requests to get rid of Word Verification!'s out. Let's hope the creepy creepies don't start leaving creepy messages! :-)

  11. Sounds like you made a great connection with LMI! I love your chickadee painting - it is just so full of energy and life!

  12. How cool! I love your chickadee painting, too--the texture is beautiful.

  13. ...thanks, everyone! I enjoyed getting out for Cornell's Great Backyard Bird Count. I really had fun with my new birding friends. I'm so glad Penny contacted me, and I learned about LMI.


Thanks for visiting! I love meeting other bird and nature lovers, so drop me a line!