Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Santa Kitty, hurry down my chimney tonight...

Santa Gargoyle...

I know, I know...Bip, our Cornish Rex cat, looks evil and scary and not at all happy, but he's actually really sweet and didn't mind parading around as Santa Kitty at all. This is the first time I ever fell prey to a pet costume. Target's point-of-purchase marketing display worked on me. Grrrrr...

...or is it Santa Claws?

"...how prosaic," said the cat.


  1. What a precious Santa Kitty.... But I'll bet BIP (even though a good sport) would rather NOT wear that Santa outfit... Ya think???? ha ha

  2. ...it was funny, Betsy. With the hat and beard off, he walked around like nothing was up and even seemed to like it! Maybe he felt warm in his Santa coat!

  3. Bip is such a calm soul...sweet looking Santa Kitty !

    What does BIP stand for ?

  4. Hee hee..what a silly looking Santa. :)Hope he brings you good presents.

  5. Dean....Bip is the gentlest kitty I've ever had. He's like a dog and everyone who knows him calls him the DogCat. He fetches and comes when you call him!

    Kathy...Bip is just Bip. My son used to draw a comic strip and one of the characters was a bird with the name of Bip (he made it up). Since our kitty Bip was so good at flying through the air like a bird (with his jumps), he decided to give him the same name. He is a calm soul and greets everyone who comes in and sleeps on their laps too. His favorite place is to be around your neck.

  6. Too funny, Kelly! I wonder how many Santa Kitty suits Target sold.

  7. Bip-evil santa!!
    LOL-well, he must have a good sense of humor. This reminds me of a cartoon I saw where the owner was doing something with the dog, and the dog was thinking "this is it-I HAVE to kill him"!
    Be careful!

  8. Slim black cat in a Santa's costume. Santas are usually fat, white grandpa figures. Such a contrast! Words that come to mind: weird? spooky? Wonderful? LOL I love your pix and cat, Kelly.

  9. What a sweet baby and such a nose for kisses.
    My (4) 1 Tonkinese and 3 Burmese are now in heaven. Your sweet one's face reminded me of my Tonk.

    Like you said, they are much like a dog, so smart and they do fetch the ball. You can tell them NO just one time and they remember.

    Kiss that sweet baby for me, what a jewel you have there.

  10. Had to laugh over the first photo. It is as if your kitty was thinking "Oh No!"

  11. Funny! If I tried this with any of my cats they would not cooperate. One would shred my hand, one would run and hide and the other would just give me a pitiful look and shrug out of it with a "you-owe-me-extra-food-for-this" glare.

  12. Very cute, and sounds much more cooperative than any of my cats.

  13. Hilarious! The most we've ever done with the dog is a set of antlers and a jingle bell collar! She ignores the collar, but the antlers are not particularly popular!

  14. Lois.... :-) I have to admit. He had me in hysterics (and was rewarded for his efforts with tuna!)

    Elaine...I wondered the same thing. I also wondered how many cats were as obliging at Bip.

    Hahaha....funny, Sue!

    Hilke....you're so right. When some people see him they get scared. He is strange looking without hair, but then they find out he's the most lovable thing!

    Tammy, thanks! He does have the shape of a Tonk's face. His breed came from England, but he looks Egyptian to me! I'm so sorry your little furies are no longer here. I have 6 other kitties in kitty heaven too...

    Toni....he was climbing up the back of the chair, so really working hard, thus the crazy look on his face and his "gargoyle" posture. I laughed out loud when I saw that photo.

    Mary...you made me laugh. I can totally imagine that.

    Gillian....I believe it. Bip is a strange kitty...

    Kathy....hehe...I've seen dogs walking around with antlers. I never tried it on my old dog...I can imagine what your dog looks like...cute!

  15. Ha, ha, I think I like Santa Claws but both fit him. How cute.


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