Monday, October 3, 2011

Yellow-rumped Warblers at Fort Ancient

...what are you?

...ahhh! That's what you are, you little Yellow-rumped Warbler, you!
(I love it when the name really matches the plumage...)

Even though I'll miss the blues of summer, the Yellow-rumped Warbler's subdued autumn colors are just as pretty.

Sunday afternoon I went to Fort Ancient to my favorite little pine stand (the one located off the field by the Mound Trail). I sat down on the forest floor and sketched. While I was drawing, three or four Yellow-rumped Warblers foraged in the branches overhead, flitting and peeping and gleaning insects. It was so nice to listen to them while I scribbled out saplings with my pencil. Then...out of nowhere, splat! One left me a little gift...

Thanks, sweet little Butter-butt...

It didn't really matter. I quickly wiped it up and finished my journal entry. Now it's a funny memory. I laughed out loud when it hit the paper. All these years of field sketching, and I've never had a bird go the bathroom on my paper!


  1. just keeping it real! :)

    i love these little guys. i hope we get a flock that comes thru for winter again!

  2. I've noticed a few Yellow-rumps in my backyard as well. So cute.

  3. Wasn't that nice of that sweet little warbler --to give you a present?????? ha ha ha


  4. I've never seen these guys...and maybe I'm glad?? They seem to have a warped sense of humor!

  5. I love your pictures of the Yellow-rumped Warbler.

  6. Not the most pleasant way to criticise someone's work Kelly.{:)

  7. Love these birds, and always initially fooled by what they are.


  8. What a gift, but better there, than in your hair!

  9. Great shot of the bird's butter but! Love the ease of your sketching. .

  10. little B-B was probably watching what you were up to and just got too enthralled in your drawing and couldn't hold it any longer. Im sure he's embarrassed. I love the sound of breezes blowing through the tree branches too.It has the same effect as hearing the sound of ocean waves coming in. very calming.

  11. Hi Kelly ...perhaps that is it's stamp of ; }
    Lovely little fellow playing peek-a-boo with you ...will we be seeing a painting soon??


  12. "I've never had a bird go the bathroom on my paper!" So delicately put! Fun little story. Also, thanks for help with identifying these guys. Now I'm pretty sure I have pics of my own, though pretty flawed compared to yours.

  13. LOL.....that's one way to make art :-) I do love warblers and your drawings and paintings are so lovely.

  14. Hahaha...thanks, everyone! I think I'm going to go with the thought he was leaving his "stamp of approval" and not offering artistic criticism! :-) Either way, they are such sweet birds, and I'll take that over not seeing one any day!

  15. Oh my goodness, now that is priceless. Maybe they were not to pleased you were peeping in on their privacy.

  16. So that's where our butter butts went! Yes, go with stamp of approval. Gotta love those little guys.


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