Monday, October 10, 2011

Turkey Vulture Art...for the Halloween Spirit!

I love Turkey Vultures. They are amazing birds, and I've posted on them several times, but I've never painted one. So since it's the Halloween season, I thought I'd ride their stereotype and create a little Creepy Halloween Art!

I am the Vulture--Creepy Halloween Art I
(mixed media with electronic filters)

These paintings all started with photos I took while canoeing down the Little Miami River. I wanted to try some collage and mixed-media art...and experiment with a few PhotoShop filters, so I printed out my photos...cut out the birds...plastered them on paper...and painted eerie backgrounds of colors and shapes. I then scanned the paintings and ran them through about 5 filters, adjusting color, etc. I don't know how to use PhotoShop, so everything was a test. I still don't know how to use PhotoShop, but I know a little bit more about it...and it was really fun to combine traditional and electronic painting methods!

I am the Vulture--Creepy Halloween Art II
(mixed media with electronic filters)

I am the Vulture--Creepy Halloween Art III
(mixed media with electronic filters)

I am the Vulture--Creepy Halloween Art IV
(mixed media with electronic filters)

I hope you're enjoying autumn and the Halloween season!

For more bird art, head over to Birding is Fun! Robert has turned his blog into a multi-author blog and invited me to be a contributor. I just posted my first entry with three paintings of Chestnut-sided Warblers.


  1. HI Kelly....wonderful and creepy , as if it wasn't already creepy looking from the neck up lol!!
    Great fun!!

  2. Oh, the things we can do these days! Great photo paintings and perfect for this season. Always fun to visit you. Have a nice week. Mickie :)

  3. these are pretty darn cool! love the quirkiness of the textures and the bright colors!

  4. Cool and creepy art!

    I would love to see a great photo of a Black-crowned Night Heron with sangria colored eyes be made into an image like your Turkey Vultures here.

  5. Your talent has no limit, what a creative mind you have. My eyes were wide as I am read how you accomplished your creations. BRAVO you talented one.

    AND for then entry over at Birding Is Fun... truly amazing work.

  6. So very interesting and just a little creepy... Love the effects you've gotten here.

  7. Looks like you've been having some serious play-fun!!

    Good for you and great results too!

  8. Those vultures will like you, Kelly. You almost made them to be 'pretty'.... ha ha

    Hope you all are doing well.

  9. That's pretty cool! I almost had one of those on the hood of my car the other day. He was taking off in front of me but didn't seem to be getting airbourne quickly enough. I did slow down for him.

  10. Halloween indeed. Wish I could like these guys better. I know they do good things.

  11. Great job with these, Kelly! I love messing with Photoshop and trying out different filters.

  12. These are wonderful, Kelly!! I especially like the last one.

  13. ...thanks, everyone! It was fun creating mixed-media art. I'll try it again... I like the idea of the Black-crowned Night Heron put through the filters!

  14. ...I thought about you! I know you love your vultures, Lynne!! :-)


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