Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chestnut-sided Warbler paintings...

Chestnut-sided Warblers are always a fun warbler to watch. Their bright yellow heads and rusty-chestnut sides always look so nice through the binocs! I continue to plug away on the 100 Painting Challenge (2nd year). I finished these paintings a few weeks ago and posted them to the challenge site and the Birding is Fun site, but forgot about old Red. So here they are...

Painting 176. Tough Chestnut-sided Warbler on the Lookout
(watercolor, charcoal, and an electronic PhotoShop Filter)

...pencil sketch of the Chestnut-sided Warbler

Painting 175. Chestnut-sided Warbler Migrating Through...
(watercolor, charcoal, salt for the mottled background, and an electronic PhotoShop Filter)

...pencil sketch for painting 175

Painting 174. Chestnut-sided Warbler in the Forest
(oil pastel over a quick watercolor)
(...this is my favorite!)

Painting 173. Chestnut-sided Warbler on Branch
(...a quick practice painting to plan painting 174. It is colored pencil over a two-minute watercolor.)


  1. oh I admire your talent/drawing, painting. They're so realistic and I love the colours, effects you add. Beautiful bird.

  2. Wonderful! Love the colors and different effects.

  3. Lovely Kelly - I really like the digital effect!

  4. Kelly-you are so talented. I love them all.

  5. Your paintings are beautiful, but I esp. love the sketches! I'm so envious of your talent. Show more!! ~karen

  6. Add me to the list of those that are envious of your amazing talent! These are amazing! You inspire me to take some art classes!

  7. These are absolutely delightful I think no.173 is my favourite if I had to choose. What talent you show.

  8. very wonderful ! I Love these all !

    - KAT -

  9. Lovely and awesome! Keep those painting coming.

  10. love these! love the 'fuzz' effect you can capture in a 'quick' painting! :)

  11. They look great. I love how you got the texture so real on the oil pastel ones. And, I am glad you posted here as I haven't gotten anywhere else to see pictures lately besides the blogs. I guess it'd be easier to check flickr but the explanations aren't the same as on a blog.

  12. I too love the colours and the different background effects.

  13. Hello Kelly,
    These all are great!!
    Amazing how you have done this. These paintings are beautiful on the wall. Very well done!!

    Greetings, Marco

  14. Yes, Kelly, I like Painting 174 also. You can almost reach out and touch those spiky little feathers!

  15. ...thanks, everyone!! You are always so kind with your comments!! I really like scrunching out the oil pastels, and it was fun making this little warbler into a tough guy! :-)


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