Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Boston Sparrow...and a Boston Freedom Trail Sampler

...on Sunday Matty and I planned a last-minute trip to Boston to walk the Freedom Trail. Rick had to work, but we really wanted to walk through history, so we went for it, and I'm so glad we did! Boston was amazing. We stayed in the North End and walked everywhere, burning up tons of calories so we could eat tons of incredible Italian food...

...of course, wherever we are, birds are part of it, and Matty and I loved all the Boston city birds. When we first arrived, we took a water taxi to our hotel, and as soon as we set out into the harbor cormorants flew by...up close and gorgeous. Lots of gulls and a few terns were along the docks...and among the city buildings and in the parks, sweet little English House Sparrows were everywhere. This little sparrow was just a few feet from me in the King's Chapel Burying Ground...

A Boston Sparrow from Kelly Riccetti on Vimeo.

We got home early this evening, so I thought I'd throw a Boston Freedom Trail "Sampler" up quickly. I didn't take my big camera with me, opting to travel light, so I used my little Panasonic Lumix and my iPhone. They both worked out well...

Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.

...Matty walks towards Quincy's Market...across from...

...Faneuil Hall...

...where that very famous grasshopper has been perched for a very long time...

...tombstone art...always a favorite of mine.

...and there's lots to go around in Boston. This design is a little different from the norm...

The Paul Revere memorial in the Granary burying Ground...

For making such a large mark on history, Revere's tombstone is remarkably modest.

"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes..."
Bunker Hill Monument (...located on Breed's Hill where the battle was fought on June 17, 1775.)

...more to come.


  1. Kelly something different for change. I remember too whenever we went to big city when we were young, we always looked for pigeons. Thanks for sharing your walk with Matty. Anna :)

  2. Sounds like you had a great time. I love the grasshopper weathervane!

  3. Kelly,
    Pretty cool tombstones! I like the grasshopper weather vane, I installed an eagle weather vane for a birder once.

  4. Ah, familiar scenes! Homesickness hits again.

  5. with our invasion of grasshoppers here due to the drought, i think our house needs that weather vane! :) loved the tombstone close-ups. the one skull with wings was rather different. :)

  6. This is fun! Thank you for sharing your images of Boston. I look forward to the next installment.

  7. Hi Kelly ...up in my corner of the world was you !!
    Great area to spend a day roaming!!
    We call the House Sparrow dweller . They love Wal mart, Lowes, Home Depot lol
    Great post of you Boston visit!!

  8. Fantastic. I'll be watching for more. Stay cool Kelly. It's no day on the beach out there today. Carol

  9. What fun for you and Matty! A little stroll through history. I too, like the Grasshopper!

  10. Beautiful pictures, I love the grasshopper.

  11. Cute little sparrow, Kelly.. That's called a dirt bath... ha ha

    Beautiful pictures showing lots of history.. Glad you two got to go. Rick certainly is missing out on alot...

  12. Beautiful photographs!
    I am in awe of your beautiful wildlife and the beautiful way in which you capture it!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  13. ...thanks, everyone! If you haven't walked the Freedom trail, add it to your list of things to do. We had so much fun and learned a lot. (People have asked me the significance of the grasshopper: the colonists used it to identify spies. If someone didn't know a grasshopper was on top of Faneuil Hall, they had to be a spy because everyone in the know...knew!)

  14. An interesting mini tour Kelly and the little Lumix worked very well. They are good for travelling.

  15. Well, I will have to get down there and see some of this myself. Can you believe I have never been there!?!


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