Friday, June 3, 2011

I love robin's egg blue...

...especially when it's on a robin's egg!

...yesterday morning as I walked past the dwarf Weeping Cherry that borders the front walk and drive, an American Robin flew out of the tree. "Wouldn't it be cool if a nest were in there..." went through my mind, so I leaned in for a peak, and wow...robin's egg blue is what I found!

...just the day before I had received in the mail, "Avian Architecture," by Peter Goodfellow--an exciting book about birds and how they build their nests. I had been reading it at breakfast and had bird nests on the brain, so I was doubly excited to find the nest!

You can see that Mrs. Robin (who does all the nest building) is not tidy in her work, but...

...she builds a nest to last with heavy mud to reinforce the walls, which form a safe cup to hold the eggs and nestlings.

...sweet Robin's egg blue.

...our dwarf Weeping Cherry tree. Mama built the nest at the top of the most heavily leafed area. Needless to say, we're not using the front door now! Hope the nest is successful.

When I finish reading "Avian Architecture," I'll write about it. From the little I've seen, it's awesome! I know I'm going to love the book (it has wonderful artwork in it too...).


  1. i was trimming low sweeping oak limbs just now and realized i had 'uncovered' a mockingbird nest (i think!) i took some lopped branches, hooked them onto limbs above the nest and did my best to recover it a bit - if nothing else, to shade it from our terribly hot sun! i may have just undid their first brood...

  2. How totally awesome to find that! Hope you keep us posted on the outcome of the nest if you can do so without disturbing your new "neighbors." :)

  3. Wouldn't itbe nice to have a color named after you?Lovely, serene shot.

  4. After thinking about it you do have a color,Kelly Green.

  5. Robin's Egg Blue on a Robin's egg ... is truly a wonderful colour!

  6. what a lucky find; you were in the right place, at the right time. How impressive those eggs! Beautiful colour. You'd have to wonder is there a reason for such an intense colour. I'm surprised the tree is seemingly so small for the robin to choose to build in too.

  7. That is such a rich blue colour on those eggs Kelly, almost unreal.
    It never ceases to amaze me how intricate some bird nests are.

  8. wow...these are really awesome crisp and clear.

    love seeing all the detail in the nest....they sure do have skills!!!

  9. Gorgeous, gorgeous colors!

  10. Beautiful robins eggs and I've always loved that color blue!


  11. How exciting! I have never been able to find a robin's nest. There are way too many trees and brush around our house for them to choose from.

  12. Wow what a blue... They are artist even when they lay eggs ;-)

  13. Gorgeous blue eggs those robins lay. Beautiful post Kelly. Have a nice weekend. Carol

  14. There's just no blue like Robin's egg blue, is there? Great photos Kelly!

  15. Their eggs really are a pretty blue. Hope you get to see the nestlings! Great shots, Kelly.

  16. Tex...Mockingbirds!! I hope it is okay. You'll have to keep us posted.

    Kathy...I'm going to stay away until they hatch. I just hope the raccoons and squirrels stay away too! If they hatch, there will definitely be photos.

    Prairie...hehe...yep...Kelly Green. I have green eyes too!

    Cicero...such a happy color...I love it!

    Carole...I read in the Avian Architecture book that the scientists are still debating the reason for the striking color blue. Seems they don't yet know!

    Roy...I know what you mean. It is almost unreal, and when it comes to the construction of the nests...always amazing! are so right. The skills are amazing...always incredible!

    Rebecca...I love that Robin's Egg blue too.

    Diane...I do too...that blue definitely initiates an emotion response!

    Elaine...I usually only find the nests after the fact! When I see the babies out in the yard, I usually stumble over a nest...but not often before!

    Chris...I agree...the birds are artists with the color! :-)

    Carol...thank you! You too...have a wonderful weekend!

    Jayne...thank you! They are the happiest doubting it!! :-)

    Mona...I do too. The biggest danger are the raccoons and squirrels. We'll know in a couple of weeks!

  17. How very sweet. I hope you are able to get pictures of the babies, too.

    We had a Cardinal nest in the bushes next to our garage a few years ago. Every time we wanted to go to the compost bins (several times a day when we are cooking!) we tiptoed by so we wouldn't disturb them. :)

    Sunday hugs from Port Canaveral,

  18. I just love when what you think/wish becomes reality! What an exciting moment ... beautiful vibrant blue eggs! I too love this color, esp in live view of nature, you captured it perfectly :)

  19. ...thanks, Lois! That will be me...tiptoeing and watching from afar.

    Debbie...thank you! I would love to photograph babies...we will keep our fingers crossed!

  20. Great shots, Kelly. From my reading it's still a mystery why robins' eggs are blue, rather than some speckled brown which would make them less visible. You'll have fun watching them hatch and the nestlings grow. I am looking forward to those pics!

  21. So beautiful! That Avian Architecture book is super cool, isn't it?

  22. Hi Kelly

    What a lovely colour the eggs are and it was great to get such a good view of the nest.

    Thanks guy

  23. Beautiful shots of the American Robin eggs and nest Kelly! It will be fun watching them grow as the parents work their little tails off ;-)

  24. the color of the eggs is incredible!

  25. What a great find! Fantastic shots Kelly!

    Will you be at the MBS this year?

  26. Hilke...I read that in the book too...the jury is still out on why the eggs would be colored such a shade of blue!

    Robert...I'm loving the book. It is cool!!

    thanks, Dawn!!

    thanks, Guy!'re so right! The parents work nonstop to keep those babies fed. I hope the nest is successful... is...I love it too!

    Rob....I am. I already have my reservations at the hotel. I can't wait!!

  27. So how are the eggs doing now? Do you have babies yet? I have been so enjoying the baby birds in my yard this year. What a treat.

  28. Gorgeous photos!! In Southeast Georgia, we only have Robins during the winter so I have never seen a nest myself. Thanks for sharing!

    Debo Boddiford


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