Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Early morning visitor

...this morning while we were waiting for Matty's bus, I looked up from my desk to find a deer standing in the front yard. If I lived in the woods, it would be expected, but I live in the suburbs. Unfortunately for the deer, it's not that unusual anymore to find them in the suburbs...

...outside my office window a White-tailed Deer studies the street...

...she moved to the back yard, so I snuck out to photograph her ( and in my PJs. The ground was wet and muddy...squish!).

...running to my neighbor's yard.


(All of these "nice" grass shots are in my neighbor's yard. Our lawn is more natural...(weeds!)...but the birds like it!)


  1. isn't she spectacular!? thanks for sharing her with us today!

  2. That first photo is a very lovely composition with that red color of the flowers.

  3. I NEVER tire of watching deer. Truly one of God's master pieces (along with horses and birds, of course:) These photos take my breath away - I want to reach my hand out and touch her...

  4. They are so beautiful, I miss having them in my yard here in town. Out at my cabin you can't plant anything since they are all over.It is fun to sit and have them graze without fear until a little dog can't take it anymore and shows her voice.

  5. Exquisite photos, Kelly! Love the deer in the due and soft morning sun!

  6. Such a strong sense of serenity or tranquility in the images! And is that a touch of sun I see?!

    Gorgeous work, Kelly!

  7. I always feel like if I see a deer in the morning that day has been especially blessed. She is so sweet. Her coat looks like it had just been brushed...I wonder how she does that?

  8. Oh, she's so very pretty, and you captured some really nice poses of her!!

  9. Kelly,
    These images are lit perfectly! And so clear and sharp, what camera are you using?

  10. What a beauty, Kelly... You captured some great pictures.. Wonder what she was doing in YOUR area???? Have you seen her since?


  11. ...thanks, Dawn!

    ...thanks, Tex!

    dreamfalcon...that you. When I looked out the window I was shocked to see her standing there. She chose the perfect spot!

    Margaret...I never grow tired either. When I was in the backyard I talked to her a little and she came closer! I'd love to reach out and pet her too!

    Prairie...I can imagine how crazy your dog gets when a deer is near! With the way things are going, you may have deer in the city some day. My parents live in the city of Cincy and they had five deer sleeping in their backyard one morning...FIVE...they stretched the entire wide of their yard. It was crazy...

    Wanda...thank you! I think the soft morning sun really helped these photos along. I'm usually not out photographing that early in the morning (being an night owl and all), but I'm starting to see the morning light!

    LBJ...thank you!! :-)

    Laure...I felt that tranquility looking at them. She was very peaceful and not worried at all. Yes.....we had sun again today.....intermittent, but it was here. Storms again tonight and tomorrow, but we've had three days of sun...yeah! (Weird, though, I've gotten used to the low grey clouds...they are almost cozy and comforting....weird!!!)

    Janice...I know what you mean. I always love being surprised by them, but on the Little Miami...not usually in my yard. It's always so unexpected and wonderful. (I was thinking her coat was lovely too...)

    thanks, Mona!!

    Hi Randy, I was using my Nikon D700 Camera and a Nikon AF-S VR-Nikkor 70-200mm lens. I think the morning light had a lot to do with the quality. It was perfect. It was 6:45 a.m. and very soft.

    ...thanks, Betsy...not for the rest of today, but a neighbor said she saw the two a few days ago! There were actually two but I only took photos of one.

  12. Hi Kelly....what a beauty she is and real healthy looking to...what a thrill!!

  13. When I was a little girl I did not want to be a queen, a princess or a famous actress... I wanted with all my heart to be a deer, lightfooted and silent out in nature. These photos brought back that long ago memory Kelly, they are b e a u t i f u l !! Thanks for the trip down memory lane and the very sweet photos.

  14. Fantastic shots, Kelly! The lighting was just perfect and what a wonderful way to start your day.

  15. What a sweet visitor! I love little glimpses of nature like this, though feel sad that wildlife has no choice but to snack on the neighborhood lawns to survive! (I don't begrudge them the lawns--just wish they had better options!)

  16. They are perfection, the last four are my favourites. Brilliant.

  17. Wow! You sure got some beautiful pictures. Don't you just love it when they stop and look back at you??

  18. They are pretty but I hope she didn't get into your flowers. We have a lot of problems with deer both in town and in rural areas.

  19. such a healthy looking beautiful deer!

  20. ...thanks, grammie....she does have a healthy, shiny coat!

    Katie...thank you! I love your story about wanting to be a deer. I totally get that. We used to pretend to be deers too when we were kids. Glad it stirred up a few memories for you! can say that again. Perfect lighting makes it all easy.

    ...thanks, Roy!

    Kathy...I know what you mean. The sounds of cars have to make them nervous. We've gone from City Mouse, Country Mouse to City Deer, Country Deer!

    ...thanks, goes to Mr. Sun! :-)

    Ginny...yes, I love that. When she would look at me, I'd talk to her. She was so sweet. If I didn't have to get back in to make sure Matty got on the bus, I could have stayed out longer and talked more to them (there were two deer there, but this female was the most curious and friendly).

    App Lady....since it's been nonstop rain here....I haven't put my garden in. We are so waterlogged, you can't dig or so anything. I think today is the last day for rain though.....sunshine is on the way!

    Tammie....she was...shiny coat and bright eyes! :-) I didn't see any ticks on her either...

  21. What a delightful encounter Kelly and definitely worth the damp feet.

  22. ...thanks, Frank! It definitely was...

  23. I loved the pics in this post! She's beautiful!


    p.s. be sure to stop by my blog at in the next day or so to enter my Memorial Day giveaway!

  24. Just playing catch up Kelly, and what amazing shots of this beautiful animal.
    The second to last one is superb.


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