Saturday, May 7, 2011

Appendaged Waterleaf...the Happy Mother's Day flower!

Back on May 9, 2009, I posted a letter from a young Tufted Titmouse to her Mama on Mother's Day. In her letter, she mentions "charming little lavender flowers" growing at the base of the tree she and her mate had chosen to make their home. Yesterday when I took my walk along the Little Miami, her tree was still there and so too were her lavender flowers, Appendaged Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum appendiculatum). Unfortunately, Mama and Papa Titmouse chose other lodgings this year, but I thought we could have a look at the beautiful spring wildflowers she loved...

Appendaged Waterleaf, Hydrophyllum appendiculatum, in all its lavender splendor!

...the delicate papery petals of Hydrophyllum appendiculatum are a soothing blue-lavender color and often seem to glow softly in the lush green of spring.

...did I mention Appendaged Waterleaf is quite hairy?

...each blossom is about a half-inch and forms a graceful, fluted bell. The five stamens extend from the bell. You can still see pollen clinging to the anthers of the blossom on the right.

Hydrophyllum appendiculatum's leaves are Maple leaf-like and often have white spots on them resembling water spots, which is the reason for its name, Waterleaf.

Although Mama and Papa Titmouse were absent from their tree this year, a young Squirrel Nutkin was making good use of it by climbing up and down the trunk...until he realized I was there and then took off in a frenzied terror (no doubt to the comfort of his mama) through the waterleaf patch, causing the flowers to sway gently on their long stalks as he passed through them.

Happy Mother's Day!
(especially to you, Mom!)


  1. the sweetest flowers and photos of the flowers; also adore the pic of the squirrel.

  2. Beautiful this Waterleaf......It looks like hotdogs on a stick in the complete center of flower...amazing detail and lovely green soft focus...Happy Mothers Day Kelly! Regards, Linda

  3. I love reading your Titmouse story too, thanks for sharing!!

  4. Those particular flowers bring back some very special Mother's Day memories. I hope you have a really special day!

  5. Kelly great shots as usual. Whats awesome for me is I need glasses to see things up close and your camera actually lets me see better than my own eyes!!! It's great.PS did you find any late trilliums on the river?

  6. Your mother will LOVE this post, just as I did, Kelly. The Waterleaf here, just a few miles away aren't blooming yet, but I did find a Showy Orchis yesterday along the creek.

  7. Wonderful images as always!

    Happy Mothers Day from Port Canaveral, FL.


  8. Gorgeous wildflowers. I've been on a quest to shoot more flowers, wild and domestic, this spring and you just keep encouraging me. Carol

  9. Delightful blooms,Happy Mother's Day Kelly.

  10. Beautiful pictures. Love the squirrel with the nut in his mouth! Happy Mother's Day to you too!

  11. each and every one of your photos is marvelous, gorgeous and pretty.

    Happy Mother's day to you too!

  12. Your flower photos are just so excellent. I love purples and lavenders. That squirrel shot is awesome.

  13. I hope everyone had a wonderful day with their families!

    Carole...thank you!

    Linda...I thought the same thing about the hot dogs (thanks)!


    Janice...we had a wonderful day with my mom. I hope you had a nice day too!

    Michael...I saw trilliums, but they were all spent. A few blooms remained, but I saw no new fresh blooms...

    Wanda...late this evening after mom and dad left, I headed over for a very quick walk and found a few more plants blooming. They were glowing in the dim light! :-) Thanks, and hope you had a wonderful day with your family too.

    Thanks, Lois!! You're so lucky to be in Florida! too. thank you!

    Tammie...thank you...I hope you enjoyed your day as well.

    Mona....thank you! Hoping you're having fun up there with your new grandbaby!

  14. Those mothers day flowers are very sweet! I just love that picture of the squirrel with the nut in the mouth! I hope you had a happy Mother's Day! thanks for this sharing!

  15. Thanks for the ID of the Appendaged Waterleaf..present here in large groups under trees along a nearby county road and in a neighbor's large wooded lot. NOT well referenced in Indiana guide books.


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