Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More bird paintings...and a field of tulips for good measure!

I have been painting, but I've only been posting the paintings on the 100 Paintings Challenge site because I've been trying to get the little mustards and wildflowers from the Adams County field trip and the Florida birds from the Captiva trip posted (but, if you know me, I always have a bit of Short Attention Span Theater going on, so I thought I'd pop the paintings up tonight). The paintings in this batch are all impressionistic with the emphasis on color and feeling...

Painting 137. Avis Spei
(Oil Pastel, 9x12 Sennelier Oil Pastel Paper)

"Avis Spei" is packed with hope, love, and the promise of summer. The painting is based loosely on the newly arrived Blue Gray Gnatcatchers in our area. I really didn't know what to name it, so I asked Matty if he had any ideas. He thought we should come up with a new "scientific" name based in Latin, because finding this bird in a field guide might be a bit iffy! With all the color and energy surging through it, he thought "Avis Spei" would do the trick -- Bird of Hope! :-)

Painting 136. Spring on the Little Miami with the Blue Gray Gnatcatchers
(Oil Pastel, 10x10 Sennelier Oil Pastel Paper)

"Spring on the Little Miami" honors the Blue Gray Gnatcatchers that have just descended into our woods. When spring rains come, these little imps are never far behind. Last Saturday evening after the rainfall, Rick and I headed over to the Little Miami River to see if the Gnatcatchers had arrived. We weren't on the trail very long before we heard their constant chatter and spring song. I didn't bring my camera, so I had to create this little bird from memory. I painted her a little bluer than she really is...because I was so happy to see her, and I added in lots of summer green because I always think about them gleaning insects from the green leaves (sometimes the imagination is a little more fun--and dramatic--than the camera!) If this had been a male, I would have added a black "eyebrow" stripe.

Painting 135. A Captiva Blue in Green
(Oil Pastel, 9x12 Sennelier Oil Pastel Paper)

"A Captiva Blue in Green" is a Great Blue Heron from our recent trip to Captiva Island in Florida. I love all the Florida birds...and can't get enough of them! I also can't seem to get enough of the Sennelier Oil pastels. I've noticed that I seem to have a different style with each medium I use with impressionism winning out. However, I can feel a detailed and realistic watercolor brewing in my head...

Painting 134. The Rush of Spring
(Acrylic, 16x20 Stretched Canvas)

"The Rush of Spring" is a raucous representation of spring--a field of tulips blowing in the wind and bursting with color. The image is totally made up, based on an impression left in my brain from the early 70s when my family went to Holland, Michigan. I LOVED that trip...seeing the huge fields of tulips has always stayed with me. The big windmill was pretty cool too! :-) I don't know if my brother was as impressed as I was, though. Since he checks my blog every day, I'm sure he will let me know!


  1. That heron is too cool! I think the gnatcatcher is my fave though! I like how you change directions with the green behind her. Looks like indecision, and makes me think of those unpredictable and zippy movements!

  2. Do you sell your paintings? I am sure you would have a very busy and prosperous Etsy or other store! Beautiful work. :)

  3. Thanks, Nicole (I love the heron too)...and you totally picked up what I was feeling when I painted it--those zippy, zig-zaggy movements they have...and that constant chatter--it's all movement.

    Lois...I don't sell anything...yet! I'm working on it, though. One of these days I'll get my act together. I'm absent-minded...a lot! :-)

  4. ...thanks, Elaine. You snuck in while I was writing the other responses! :-)

  5. Beautiful, Kelly! Love the little gnatcatcher the best-so sweet!!

  6. They are beautiful paintings, I couldn't choose between them.

  7. They all just take my breath away!

  8. Another handful of marvellous paintings, Kelly. I love the gnatcatcher! As to the Great Blue; you did a great job of capturing the intent stare. And the glorious field of tulips ia a joy to behold!

  9. These are beautiful Kelly! I love colour, so exciting! My favourite is the first and Avis Spei is a brilliant name, well done Matty :) My other favourite is the Heron, just lovely, there is such verve and energy in your paintings!

    The photos of the Heron on the previous post are incredible, well done!!

  10. LOVE your bird paintings! They capture attitude and personality and movement. Nicely done!

  11. Your paintings certainly succeeded in pulling forth feelings from me, Kelly! They are beautiful and made me breathe a little deeper and sigh!

  12. All of your paintings are just amazing. I always find myself drawn to the impressionist style over accurate paintings; I like Charlie Harper much more than Ray Harm. You've done a great job with that style. I will have to take a peek at your other blog for more of your paintings!

  13. Lovely choice onthe titles as well as beautiful paintings. I will look forward to your watercolor.The 2nd one really caught my favor.

  14. Fantastic Kelly! So full of color and life! Love that Heron.

  15. Hi Kelly, All are tremendous. You have learned so much about painting and are doing so well. I love the Gnatcatcher one the best I think--but they are all great.

  16. I really like the bits of color in that first painting. Beautiful!

  17. Wonderful Kelly ,I can not pick a favorite.

  18. I adore seeing the strokes and marks of quick decisions. STUNNINGLY beautiful. ETSY is a wonderful idea for you!

  19. The heron is my favorite by far. Carol

  20. I love all of them, so beautiful!
    My Fav though is the Gnatcatcher :)

  21. ...thanks, everyone for the kind comments. It's fun painting impressionistic birds where color is everything! I really feel the pull of a detailed watercolor brewing, though! :-)

  22. All these are so lovely, but I am especially fond of your first two little round birds..so sweet and the vibrant colors warm my soul. Adore your style Kelly! I'm excited to be in the Garden class with you! ;)


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