Friday, April 15, 2011

Dutchman's Breeches and a resident tiny spider...

This winter a good deal of invasive honeysuckle was removed along the Little Miami Trail near the Old Kings Powder Factory where I walk, opening up the forest floor and offering endless views of wildflowers I didn't even know were there. Couple that with new awareness of spring ephemerals and tiny mustards, and I can barely stay at home. Each day something new seems to be blooming. In three or four huge sweeps Dutchman's Breeches, Squirrel Corn, Trillium, Yellow Trout Lilies, Bloodroot, and much more cover the ground.

Dutchman's Breeches, Dicentra cucullaria, carpet the floor of the forest on both sides of the trail. They are fun-looking little flowers, definitely resembling old-fashioned pantaloons hung out on the line to dry! On this little sprig, a tiny spider has taken up residence. spider in this view, but evidence of her visit exists in the tiny filaments attached to the stem.

I can't see you at all little're hidden so well! first she just sends out a leg...

...but then I see her little spider face.
(I have no idea what kind of spider this is, or whether she is a male or female, but I bet someone out there does!)

You really have to love those cute pantaloons hanging out to dry...


  1. Hi Kelly.. Fabulous close ups even though I am not fond of spiders eeeks!!
    Dutchmans Breeches I have not seen in years..we used to find them more in northern Me. when I was young..Great photos!!

  2. Great series. The last image looks like ducks all lined up in a row.

  3. Wonderful close up looks! I'm not a fan of spiders, but I like to take photos of them.

  4. Those Dutchman's Breeches/pantaloons certainly won't be dry on the line tonight, with the storm that's brewing out there, Kelly.

  5. Very nice. Beautiful colors. I love Spring with all the different colors we are having now. I love the spider. I was out taking buggy pictures a couple of days ago that will appear on my blog in a few days.

  6. I do love those little breeches and the little spider too! I wish we had the breeches here--we do have the spiders.

  7. Gorgeous blooms and awesome photos.

  8. Great macros of such and unusual flower.
    I don't think I have ever seen these Kelly

  9. Kelly, you must have been on your belly to get those close-ups. Those beautiful little flowers are usually pretty close to the ground. Great pictures! Makes me anxious to see our come up.

  10. Love your pantaloons and cute little spider

  11. these flowers are so beautiful and new to me and a wee spider too~

  12. Glad they got rid of the honeysuckle, Kelly... Those invasive plants/vines are horrible.

    Love the little wildflower you pictured --and that little spider is probably enjoying himself!!!!

  13. Lovely photos of the breeches! That second photo, the macro, is great - love the soft focus that still conveys the essence of the flower.

    I don't our local wildflowers and spiders are out yet. But I'm hoping for soon ...

  14. Wonderful posts Kelly. Thanks for doing so.

  15. What lovely little flowers--I don't think I've ever seen them before. Thanks for sharing your terrific photos.

  16. ...thank you! I was at the Little Miami today, and most of the Dutchman's Breeches were already gone...just a week later! The Squirrels Corn was still blooming, but not as much. I guess I'll have to wait another year to see the massive slopes of those little pants again! :-)

  17. Aren't they lovely and the name is perfect!! I'd never seen these before.

  18. Thanks for sharing your Dicentra version. Very stunning images.

  19. Another fascinating one - I've never seen or heard of this one. Cool!


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