Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tufted Titmouse sitting pretty...

Sunday afternoon the snow was fresh along the Little Miami River and covered the hillsides and paths along the way. Winter birds were all around, their calls softly filtering through the branches, muffled as they carried across the snow. At one point, I looked up and saw this lone Tufted Titmouse perched on the end of a small branch. He was tucked in among lacy shadows, catching a sun ray every now and then...perfectly mirroring the beauty and stillness of winter.

Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) in the cold of winter.
Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) mirrors the stillness of winter.
A Tufted Titmouse along the Little Miami River shows a touch of winter's magic.
A Tufted Titmouse along the Little Miami River shows a touch of winter's magic.


  1. Such pretty shots of the little guy! We have minus 39 degrees this morning. Brrrrr!

  2. Hi Kelly, Great pictures of that precious little bird. Hope you all escape the latest big storm--especially the ice... We are fine here---expecting rain and wind, but nothing severe.

    Take care and stay safe.

  3. What a sweetie. I've always enjoyed seeing them.....

  4. Beautiful, Kelly, the words and the shots.

    Stay safe with that storm barreling your way.

  5. Worth a trip into the cold to see that little fella Kelly :-)

    PS just started reading about the Penguins :-)

  6. I just posted a few shots of this flitty little bird. Lovely colors and fun to watch.

  7. Very pretty.....and are those green shoots I see on those branches? Dispite the coming blizzard, there is hope for Spring!!!

  8. HI Kelly.. What cutie's they are :}}
    Good photo of it!!
    Bird's are busy here it is snowing and this is just a small storm before getting the big storm off tomorrow!! 12 inches or more ..how about you??

  9. Not only do I see a great bird shot, I also see new green growth on those tree branches!! Spring is coming !

  10. Excellently composed Kelly. I don't often use the word but definitely 'cute'. Obviously the snow is not stopping you from getting out with the local wildlife.

  11. Nice shots, Kelly. I've heard some far away in the trees on my route to downtown Shippensburg, but I haven't actually seen any yet.

  12. This is one of those occasions Kelly when a small subject sits within a large photograph and looks fantastic. The third one in particular is so good and the colour of the background and the bird coordinates so well. Brilliant

  13. Nice Pix, I have a difficult time getting good pictures of Titmice. The are shy here. Wonderful images.

  14. Lovely photo, you capture his soft downy fluff so well!

  15. How sweet that little bird is! Lovely shots - very pretty.

  16. Gorgeous pictures of a gorgeous bird!

  17. Beautiful photos! I have a feeling these will be inspiration for a painting.

  18. What a little beauty he is Kelly.
    Lovely shots.

  19. So pretty... I'd bet he ends up being a watercolor? :c)

  20. ...thank you! It's funny how "feeder" birds in the wild look so different than when they are at the feeders. I love titmice wherever they are, but seeing him sitting there in the cold...alone on the branch was spectacular.

  21. Oh, what an adorable bird! The light & color are wonderful in all those shots!

  22. Beautiful shots of the titmouse. We don't seem to have as many of them as usual this winter.

  23. Perfect! They always move so fast and won't sit still for me. These are beautiful!


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