Sunday, December 12, 2010

A ball of fluff...

...was sitting outside my window.

As I walked past the window a few days ago, I had to do a double-take to figure out what this ball of fluff was. Can you tell? It's a male House Finch. It was about 12°F when I took the photo. I think the little fellow decided he had had enough of the cold and was going to sleep it out. He stayed curled up for about 3 minutes. He might have stayed longer, but Bip Our Cat was busy pawing and knocking on the glass and no doubt disturbed the fluffy little tumbleweed.

He then flew to the crabapple tree and gave me a few glamor shots...

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  1. Fantastic shots! They are nice looking birds to begin with, but you definitely made them look world class.

  2. Hi Kelly...another great series of shot from the Crabapple tree!!
    He is a real beauty and the fluff ball is pretty hard to identify!!

  3. That looks terrific. What a nice swirl of feathers! Great pics as usual.

  4. Beautiful shots Kelly. He looked so contented and warm curled up like that, in the first.

  5. Poor little guy, but what gorgeous photos!!!

  6. What an incredible shot of feathers. He is a lovely fellow any way, wish our house sparrows looked like that, our are immigrants from the UK and are a pest.

  7. Fantastic photos and such a cute little bird.

  8. I feel like curling up like that some days too! Cute shot-you were lucky to notice him when you did.

  9. Beautiful detailed images Kelly.

  10. Just beautiful! The detail is amazing!

  11. I think I have bird envy!! He's gorgeous and those berries are just his color!

  12. Really amazing photos - love the detail.


  13. They are so common, and yet when seen up close like this, so very beautiful!

  14. Love, love, love your ball of fluff! I've never seen a house finch look more beautiful. What kind of lens and camera are you using?

  15. Really beautiful shots of the House Finch, Kelly! The berries really add a nice touch of color as well.

  16. What a special little bird. Lovely photo's of him Kelly that do his plumage real justice.

  17. Don't know if i hadseen this tight of curl, it has to be cold. It was 2 when I got up yesterday, today I am ignoring it.

  18. I sometimes wish I could do that!! He is such, such an adorable wee thing!

  19. Gorgeous pictures of that adorable House Finch, Kelly. We have them here --and they add color especially in winter...

    Lots of snow here --but it's bitter cold.

  20. At first glance I thought your initial photo showed a squirrel. I would have never guessed! Wonderful shots of the House Finch, beautiful feather detail and color. This is also true for your previous post with Goldfinch.

  21. More of your brilliant work there Kelly -spot on focus especially. I particularly like the shot where the finch is surrounded by those colourful crab apples.

  22. Beautiful captures - that puffball is so cute and the others photos are just gorgeous!

  23. The Finches are so amazing, and your pictures are so beautiful.

  24. Stunning plumage detail. Just think we add and add layers to keep warm and all they can do is 'fluff up'. FAB.

  25. Ok, either you have REALLY clean windows, or you put on a coat and went outside. These are terrific shots, Kelly!

  26. Aren't those feathers just awesome. Those pictures are so sharp. We have had some Purple finch here recently, but even with the snow the light is not the greatest.

  27. Fabulous shots! Such a cute little house finch!!!

  28. Amazing shots. Not only are the bird very good. You also got a good compsition and the colors are so vivid. I call that a peice of art. :)

  29. Yow! Crystal clear close ups!
    What do you clean your windows with?

  30. Kelly! What a unique photo, but then all the others are exceptional too! You are my favorite bird photographer!

  31. These are really fantastic! What a cute little guy.

  32. Amazing! I would have guessed female bluebird, what with the blues and browns. Never in a bazillion years would I have guessed a house finch. Great shots!

  33. Glamor shots indeed! You are a real artist Kelly. These shots of the House Finch are superb. I especially like the ones showing that bright red rump.

  34. Oh my goodness..... he is sooooo adorable! It's cold here too .... hoping for warmer weather soon ;)

  35. These shots leave me breathless. I mean, the color, the sharpness of this through a window, no less. And the first ball of fluff... my cats would twitch on the other side of the glass all day long.

  36. OH MY..wonderful photos..I need to get you over here to take great photos of the Purple point and shoot does not do them nice to see all the individual feathers!!

  37. Once again, greaet shots. I don't know how the finches survive the cold.

  38. Thanks, everyone! I have no idea how these photos came out so sharp. I think the Force was very strong with me that day because my windows are not crystal clear--they are the opposite. Several people asked me what kind of camera I use. Here is my setup:
    Nikon D700
    Nikon AF-S VR-Nikkor 70-200mm 2.8G lens
    Nikon 2x teleconverter

  39. Amazing photos--so full of color and crystal clear. Wow, you do a great job. I've decided you MUST live in the middle of a bird sanctuary--you seem to be surrounded by beautiful birds all the time.

  40. Well done Kelly, your images always are so vibrant!
    Anna :)

  41. ...I keep watching to see if the ball of fluff shows up again, but no luck! I'd never seen such a perfect ball before...hope the little fellow comes back! Thanks, again.

  42. He looks beautiful! Lovely colors.


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