Monday, January 15, 2018

Red in the Hornbeam

It doesn't matter how cold or gray it gets outside, Northern Cardinals burn bright...

A Northern Cardinal in the American Hornbeam in our backyard. 


  1. Beautiful, Beautiful! We don't see cardinals in Oregon and I miss the so much. Thanks Kelly for this picture, it reminds me of home.

  2. Cardinals are a regular sight in Cincinnati. My mother loved her cardinals. They came back every year to eat the sunflower seeds in her feeder outside the kitchen window. Do the same ones return each year?

  3. Hi Rosemary! We got a lot of snow today, so I need to get out tomorrow and get some really good photos of the cardinals. I took this one from our deck pretty far away. I'll send a few more when I get them.

    Hi Mary Ann! Our Cardinals stay the entire year, and they definitely eat our sunflower seeds as soon as I put them out. I'm pretty sure we have our regular neighborhood birds, but when it gets really cold, a lot more drop in for the sunflower seeds. I've seen 25-30 cardinals sitting together in the trees/bushes around the feeders every now and then. That's a magnificent sight. Next time there is a Cardinal Party in the backyard, I'll try to get a photo for you!

  4. A nice, atmospheric shot, Kelly! Yeah, Cardinals seem to be just a little brighter in the Winter. I guess it's being red when the rest of the world goes black & white.

  5. Hi Roy.....and thank goodness they do! Nothing like seeing those bright patches of red in the drab landscape (although, with all the snow we have now, it's gorgeous out!!!)


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